Your DMIT report can show clearly hidden talents, career plus many other strengths and weaknesses of inner character which may be latent for years, then burst forth under provocation.
Once you understand how deeply ingrained certain attitudes are in peoples natures you become more sympathetic to their behaviours.
Our DMIT report can help cool partners who otherwise would be intolerant to one another example: you will forgive your partner for his or her pickiness when you realise he/ she is born to keep every hair straight and untangle issues by examining each details
It becomes easier for you to bear the carelessness when you understand he is too busy finding causes to cherish and defend to look where he is going every minute or whose toes he is stepping on.
Her frankness will cut less when you are aware of her compulsion to speak the truth whatever the cost.
You will be learning something very serious and useful. How to recognize their deepest need, how to like them better and make them like you, how to really know the people you know. It’s a happier world and people are pretty great when you look for the rainbows hidden inside them